Think Your Business Is Too Small To Be Hacked? Think Again!

We’ve all read stories in the news about big businesses being hacked.

And it’s tempting to think that smaller businesses like yours are safe. That cybercriminals are only targeting big corporations.

But anyone making that assumption is putting themselves and their business at risk. The fact is that small businesses can be far easier prey for attackers.

They might not make the news; but attacks involving automated tools, ransomware, and identity theft are a continuing risk for all small businesses.

With potential financial penalties and huge loss of reputation, it isn’t hard to imagine how such attacks would be disastrous for businesses without very deep pockets.

That makes employee awareness, ongoing training, and robust password management vital. And you must keep all systems, antivirus software, and firewalls constantly up to date.

We’re specialists in cyber security. Get in touch today – we can help you.

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